Steve Pahel: Morro Bay
Steve Pahel: Take my photo please
Steve Pahel: HDR Morro Bay Sunset the strand
Steve Pahel: Underneath the Cayucos Pier
Steve Pahel: Morro Bay Coast Guard Station
Steve Pahel: What photography is all about
Steve Pahel: Stingrays two for one. Stingray City, Grand Cayman
Steve Pahel: Stingray City, Cayman Island
Steve Pahel: Morro bay fishing boats
Steve Pahel: Halfdome, Yosemite at sunset
Steve Pahel: under the Pismo Beach Pier
Steve Pahel: Yosemite
Steve Pahel: Morro bay
Steve Pahel: Mono Lake Rock at sunrise
Steve Pahel: Maui Hana Highway one way
Steve Pahel: Grand Cayman Island Sunset
Steve Pahel: El Capitan, Yosemite
Steve Pahel: stuck in the middle of the merced river, yosemite
Steve Pahel: George, Pismo Beach
Steve Pahel: Grand Cayman Island sunset