pbwoychick: p1800
pbwoychick: TreKronor_P1800_B
pbwoychick: TreKronor_P1800_Y
pbwoychick: That's right, $3995.
pbwoychick: The poor man's Ferrari
pbwoychick: We'd call it an economy car
pbwoychick: You own it. It doesn't own you.
pbwoychick: A true GT car costs...
pbwoychick: $4,150 investment made a million
pbwoychick: 774,000 miles on his Volvo
pbwoychick: Does your mechanic have more fun...
pbwoychick: Darwin was right.
pbwoychick: It's sort of a souped-down Ferrari.
pbwoychick: It'll brighten up your day.
pbwoychick: 2000 years of Swedish progress
pbwoychick: We are by nature a practical people
pbwoychick: Let me mail you the exciting story...
pbwoychick: This car won't do 150...
pbwoychick: What's it like to own a $10,000 car?
pbwoychick: Elegant Snabb Säker (Swedish language ad)
pbwoychick: Elegant Snabb Säker (Swedish language ad)
pbwoychick: In a class by itself
pbwoychick: Remember this $3995 car...
pbwoychick: The Volvo 1800S, $3995.
pbwoychick: Some call it the poor man's Ferrari.
pbwoychick: Why do we make Volvos that look like this?
pbwoychick: If you want economy...
pbwoychick: The complete car
pbwoychick: Cash in on complete '61 line
pbwoychick: Volvo P1800S (French language ad)