Michelle Morales: untitled.
Michelle Morales: Bridge into Panama from Costa Rica
Michelle Morales: Costa Rica coast
Michelle Morales: Brothers in a cow pasture
Michelle Morales: Brothers playing in a pond
Michelle Morales: Wedding day bliss...
Michelle Morales: Silhouettes of Love :: family of 6, about to become a family of 7.
Michelle Morales: magical boat ride.
Michelle Morales: Newlyweds at sunet.
Michelle Morales: Kiss me in the moonlight.
Michelle Morales: untitled.
Michelle Morales: Love on the River.
Michelle Morales: Lake Okeechobee sunset
Michelle Morales: Sunset skies.
Michelle Morales: untitled.
Michelle Morales: untitled.
Michelle Morales: untitled.
Michelle Morales: Rainy day.
Michelle Morales: DSC_9526ps1
Michelle Morales: under my umbrella.
Michelle Morales: When I grow up...