MIR - MИP: 44 magnum...
MIR - MИP: Edificio Elma
MIR - MИP: Catedral Metropolitana
MIR - MИP: San Francisco
MIR - MИP: Citybus
MIR - MИP: Denmark : Horizontal : Postcard
MIR - MИP: Denmark : Horizontal : Nature
MIR - MИP: Denmark : Horizontal : Culture
MIR - MИP: Boy on the road.. Central American Highway #1, Guatemala
MIR - MИP: Rodrigo Rosenberg case ... body language
MIR - MИP: Rodrigo Rosenberg was present... (.. the Rodrigo Rosenberg case)
MIR - MИP: Rodrigo Rosenberg case ... "Mafiosos - Asesino"
MIR - MИP: Rodrigo Rosenberg case... "Somos Guatemala, queremos Justicia"
MIR - MИP: Happy driving...
MIR - MИP: Torre Reformador on fire..
MIR - MИP: The lights of the trafic (La Torre del Reformador)
MIR - MИP: A city Blackout (La Torre del Reformador)
MIR - MИP: A kid spotted my camera..
MIR - MИP: Rays of light
MIR - MИP: Resting on spikes and towers...
MIR - MИP: Climbing & Cleaning (La Torre del Reformador)
MIR - MИP: Semana santa is right around the corner
MIR - MИP: .... walking fingers... before decision...
MIR - MИP: .. Kite Kid ...
MIR - MИP: Going to fly away?
MIR - MИP: Cloudy day in the city
MIR - MИP: The hour of gold on blue..
MIR - MИP: ... you cant fight the rain in Guatemala
MIR - MИP: A gray mosaic