winston 1: "All change." 17
winston 1: Rush Hour. 17
winston 1: Strumble Head Light. 17
winston 1: Heist Point Light. 17
winston 1: Heist Point Lighthouse. 17
winston 1: Corran Ferry Light. 17
winston 1: Farewell to Glen Coe. 17
winston 1: Have you ever felt very small indeed?. 17
winston 1: Ben Nevis in all her glory. 17
winston 1: Road to Ben Nevis. 17
winston 1: That Scottish place. 17
winston 1: Sharp bend ahead. 17
winston 1: Daisy Chain 2. 17
winston 1: White on White Flower. 17
winston 1: Daisy Chain. 17
winston 1: Too close to call. 17
winston 1: Home coming transport. 17
winston 1: Peacock. 17
winston 1: "Dear Vincent... 17
winston 1: Downpour. 17
winston 1: Stain glass door. 17
winston 1: Don't you forget about me. 17
winston 1: Monks Hood. 17
winston 1: Just a trick of the Light. 17
winston 1: Highland Sunset in the Rain. 17
winston 1: Variation on a Road to Glen Coe. 17
winston 1: Water feature. 17
winston 1: Road to Glen Coe. 17
winston 1: Reflecting on it all. 17
winston 1: Time to say Goodbye. 17