Jackan!: Mom (Sarah), Pat, Marco, and Nico
glness: Morning Fly Out
Earl Reinink: Short Eared Owl
missyleone: First snow of the season.
eva101: throttled bubba
pixie1339: Festival of colors
Bigbird3: Oh No Monday Again:-(
meg price: 44/52 Happy 8th Birthday Barney-dog!
Eddie McGuire Photography: Ancient Oaks, Chatelherault
IntrepidXJ: Fall in Ute Canyon
pixie1339: Good morning sunshine!
Earl Reinink: Great Blue Heron squabble
missyleone: Ant in November 2013
Summit42: Lightning over Utah Lake
Skeletalmess: Night Shift
missyleone: Heart-shaped Kipper
glness: Clearing Rainstorm On Lake Como
mattlev12: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
Summit42: grand prismatic
missyleone: I love these guys. Haha. :)
IntrepidXJ: Peaks
James B Currie: Grasshopper
marcostucchi84: Panorama di Montevecchia
LaWendeltreppe: Him and her Collage
Earl Reinink: Algonquin Moonrise
meg price: 29/52 Helloo!
missyleone: Lilies with a splash of bee balm