stei_tho: Februar. På høyfjellet. Gnistrende skiføre!
stei_tho: Februar. På høyfjellet. Gnistrende skiføre!
stei_tho: Fra tur til indre Bjerga
stei_tho: From the harbour, Krageroe, Southern Norway
stei_tho: Fra dagens løpetur fra Aksdal, via Eikeskog og hjem. 11 km på grusvei. Moderat til rolig langkjøringstpo. Nokså kupert trase. 65 minutt.
stei_tho: Fra dagens løpetur fra Aksdal, via Eikeskog og hjem. 11 km på grusvei. Moderat til rolig langkjøringstpo. Nokså kupert trase. 65 minutt.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Nature's priority to Culture seems to be pretty obvious.
stei_tho: Luckily Nature is the mother of Culture, not the other way around !
stei_tho: Luckily Nature is the mother of Culture, not the other way around !
stei_tho: Luckily Nature is the mother of Culture, not the other way around !
stei_tho: Luckily Nature is the mother of Culture, not the other way around !
stei_tho: Luckily Nature is the mother of Culture, not the other way around !
stei_tho: Luckily Nature is the mother of Culture, not the other way around !