sushank gupta: An IndiGo A320 in the IndiGo skies
sushank gupta: '6E' A320 ;)
sushank gupta: Chow Time
sushank gupta: 'When God closes one door, he opens another'
sushank gupta: Chlorophyll Colourfull
sushank gupta: Trapped
sushank gupta: The Small Blue Gutsy Bird
sushank gupta: Showstopper !!
sushank gupta: airbus'EDD
sushank gupta: The Runway
sushank gupta: The Pride of IGRUA
sushank gupta: Keeping the Hopes Alive
sushank gupta: Longing to Return
sushank gupta: Time Machine
sushank gupta: Windows of Time
sushank gupta: VT-IGD ii
sushank gupta: Dream Delivered
sushank gupta: Air India's Dreamliner
sushank gupta: Coming Home-ii
sushank gupta: 12'o Clock High
sushank gupta: Take your Pick
sushank gupta: From the Ground Up
sushank gupta: Coming home
sushank gupta: Taxying
sushank gupta: Spotting
sushank gupta: Throttles !!
sushank gupta: Taking Flight