Dr Yool: Our cases are travelling again. Today, Slough; tomorrow, Zagreb!
Dr Yool: An appropriately aerial artwork ...
Dr Yool: Someone else's plane
Dr Yool: Brexiting over Brighton
Dr Yool: Offshore Power
Dr Yool: French Farmscape
Dr Yool: Q: How high do chimneys reach? A: Not very high
Dr Yool: And this @grahamscott71 is what you're missing by not flying
Dr Yool: Touchdown
Dr Yool: It's Mojito o'clock in Zagreb ...
Dr Yool: A nice Austrohungarian counterpoint to the brutalist Soviet-era towerblocks on the way into town
Dr Yool: It's not a proper European capital city without a statue of a dead white male astride a horse
Dr Yool: Every public building should have owl sculptures on its roof like the Croatian State Archives
Dr Yool: "I knew I needed help"
Dr Yool: They do like yellow here
Dr Yool: I wouldn't like to have had to paint this piece of staircase art
Dr Yool: A nice try to distract people from the scaffolding
Dr Yool: I'm sure that's not a real language ...
Dr Yool: Apparently they invented the necktie
Dr Yool: We're waiting to see what hatches out of this one
Dr Yool: My best impression of having rickets
Dr Yool: Carole braves the tunnel under Zagreb
Dr Yool: Yay - Nikola!
Dr Yool: Now *this* is how you do a roof
Dr Yool: Light, Shadow and Art Deco
Dr Yool: Careful - you never know what's around the corner ...
Dr Yool: A sentiment to agree with
Dr Yool: Now we're talking ...
Dr Yool: We walked so far, we ran my band completely into the ground - contrary to the track, we did make it back to the green starting circle
Dr Yool: Not quite what you'd imagine - sad and funny in about the right mix, and definitely worth a visit