Dr Yool:
3. Sticking with easy for yet another design classic - the Twin Ion Engine (TIE) Fighter. #StarWarsAdventCalendar #StarWarsAdventCalendar2024 #StarWars #LegoStarWars #TIEFighter
Dr Yool:
2. They're keeping it easy with a sassy-looking Princess Leia with her classic "buns". #StarWarsAdventCalendar #StarWarsAdventCalendar2024 #StarWars #LegoStarWars #PrincessLeia
Dr Yool:
1. An easy starter for 10 with the design classic that is the X-Wing. #StarWarsAdventCalendar #StarWarsAdventCalendar2024 #StarWars #LegoStarWars
Dr Yool:
Every year I pimp-out the endless stream of photographs that I've taken during one year into a calendar for the next year, and give this to my family and friends as an easy "present". This is December 2024: … 2023 on Instagram End of the line for 2024’s
Dr Yool:
With limited opportunities for entertainment, we're making the most of the art collection. #HospitalArt #NinewellsHospital
Dr Yool:
Grammar Pedant here. 🙋 Not sure what's worse - the egregious missing apostrophe from "Martin's" or the total failure to style it as "iPhone". I feel I'm being trolled ... #BadSignGrammar #GrammarPedant #Carnoustie
Dr Yool:
Let's try an AI experiment ... Create an image of an average family in ... 1. Scotland 2. England 3. Wales 4. Northern Ireland (no flag!) 5. United Kingdom #AverageFamily #AverageScottishFamily #AverageEnglishFamily #AverageWelshFamily #AverageNort
Dr Yool:
Nothing says "Pleasure Land" like a utilitarian concrete abomination ... #Arbroath #ArbroathPhotography #AngusPhotography #PleasureLand
Dr Yool:
A glorious day for a circular cycle ride from my old hometown, Carnoustie, to the next stop up the coast, Arbroath, where I was born. While its reputation does tend to precede it a bit, it's got a great seafront and a really interesting - and still workin
Dr Yool:
An unexpected sight this morning - this appears to be a B-52 bomber (I checked with a military fanboi). I heard it coming long before I finally spotted it. #B52Bomber #B52sOfInstagram #EastHavenPhotography #EastHaven
Dr Yool:
Last time I tried to walk around Crombie Country Park I wound up having to finish it crawling on my hands and knees under fallen trees blocking the path. Storms had taken out a big chunk of the forest and obviously completely overwhelmed the foresters man
Dr Yool:
Last time I tried to walk around Crombie Country Park I wound up having to finish it crawling on my hands and knees under fallen trees blocking the path. Storms had taken out a big chunk of the forest and obviously completely overwhelmed the foresters man
Dr Yool:
Don't remember spotting these wind turbines before ... #WindTurbinesOfInstagram #LawViewpoint #LawDundee
Dr Yool:
A friendly face outside of the McManus Museum #OorWullie #DundeeCityCentre #DundeePhotography #SculptureOfInstagram
Dr Yool:
It's worth the climb for the view #DundeePhotography #LawHillDundee #LawDundee #LawViewpoint #TheSilveryTay #WarMemorial #WarMemorialsOfInstagram
Dr Yool:
There are a *lot* of steps to climb en route to cresting the Law Hill #DundeePhotography #LawHillDundee #LawDundee #StepsOfInstagram
Dr Yool:
"Fundee" - gotta love the irony quotation marks #DundeePhotography #LawHillDundee #LawDundee #GraffitiArt
Dr Yool:
Law Hill cannon. I don't know what the range of a cannon is, but its positioning looks like a great way to pummel the city rather than any invaders! #DundeePhotography #LawHillDundee #LawDundee
Dr Yool:
I never tire of this sculpture. I don't know if it's meant to have a climate change subtext, but that's how I read it - a polar bear tearing a human a new one in revenge. #PolarBearSculpture #DundeeCityCentre #SculptureOfInstagram
Dr Yool:
I've never spotted this super-narrow building in Dundee before #DundeePhotography #DundeeCityCentre #NarrowBuilding #NarrowBuildings
Dr Yool:
It's always nice to have a stroll between East Haven and Arbroath when I'm back up. And what a great day for it. #EastHaven #EastHavenPhotography #EastHavenSunset #EastHavenToArbroath #EastHavenSunset
Dr Yool:
It's always reassuring when your plane taxis passed the smoke-blackened hulk that the airport fire brigade practises on ... #EdinburghAirport #FeelSaferAlready #FireBrigadePractise