Ramshackle Solid: Bushtit nest entrance
Ramshackle Solid: Bushtit nest
Ramshackle Solid: Powells Books in Oregon
Ramshackle Solid: Powells Books in Oregon
Ramshackle Solid: Powells Books in Oregon
Ramshackle Solid: Powells Books in Oregon
Ramshackle Solid: Getting-Bees-thenuc1
Ramshackle Solid: Suiting Up
Ramshackle Solid: Getting-Bees-HSH-nd1
Ramshackle Solid: Getting-Bees-HSH1
Ramshackle Solid: Looks Good
Ramshackle Solid: Closing Up
Ramshackle Solid: Some Stragglers Returned to the Nuc
Ramshackle Solid: Dumping the Nuc 1
Ramshackle Solid: Dumping the Nuc 2
Ramshackle Solid: Dumping the Nuc 3
Ramshackle Solid: Dumping the Nuc 4
Ramshackle Solid: Dumping the Nuc 5
Ramshackle Solid: Stragglers Still in the Nuc
Ramshackle Solid: Kirk Taps off the Top of the Nuc
Ramshackle Solid: Brood Frame
Ramshackle Solid: Bees and Brood
Ramshackle Solid: Kirk Moves a Brood Frame
Ramshackle Solid: Queen Cells
Ramshackle Solid: Queen Cells
Ramshackle Solid: Queen Cells
Ramshackle Solid: Moving the Frames into the Hive
Ramshackle Solid: Moving the Frames into the Hive
Ramshackle Solid: Opening the Nuc