laughingotter: ApricotJellyFungus
laughingotter: CulturallyModifiedTree
laughingotter: Polypores
laughingotter: MotherTree
laughingotter: MotherTree2
laughingotter: FruitingBodies
laughingotter: Biscuit block
laughingotter: Biscuit block
laughingotter: Biscuit block
laughingotter: Biscuit block
laughingotter: Biscuit block
laughingotter: Biscuit block
laughingotter: Biscuit block
laughingotter: Biscuit block
laughingotter: Biscuit block
laughingotter: Biscuit block
laughingotter: Biscuit block
laughingotter: Biscuit block
laughingotter: Close-up of Calgary Farmer's Market mural
laughingotter: More mural...
laughingotter: Tempura Disks
laughingotter: Coloured Pencils
laughingotter: Coloured Pencils
laughingotter: Close-up of the wall mural at the Calgary Farmer's Market
laughingotter: Blood Oranges
laughingotter: Kumquats
laughingotter: Shiitake Mushrooms