pjc8701: Gotcha!
Beachhead Photography: Mostly ducks
A's Photos: cold billed goose
tartessus: Puesta de Sol
Tom in Tacoma: Just Chilling Out
TheApertureMan: Barn Owl_DSC0216
Mister Oy: Male Pintail Pintail
joannehedger: West European Hedgehoglet (Erinaceus europaeus)
mb.kinsman: Illinois Fog
Keartona: Peek over the wall
Anna.Andres: Esjan. (Explored)
Ducklover Bonnie: Does my butt look big?
WilsonAxpe: North Yorkshire Dales
Gregg Obst: Signs of a Mallard Winter
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!): It's in there somewhere!!
CharleneM50: They are home...
Ian McKechnie: 070622-0036_mouse
ISP Bruno Laplante: Peanut anyone ?
3ricphoto: baby kegelrob
Gregg Obst: Norma's grand entrance
Nabeel Al mazied: al mazied
Darren Hunt: Luvdup
Leif Strand: Old-style oystercatchers
mijoli: A Walk on the Cold Side - 1
Ronan.McLaughlin: Puffin (Fratercula arctica)
LittleRedCera: Pride (67/365)
Whipper_snapper: The cemetery fox
bear.bonnell: fence: straight, snow: leaning