sdoorly: Long Beach Comic Con 2016
bitsyk63: Icons
Stylurus: Barred Owl in Dearborn!
thesimian: Recorder Hat
Jay-tography: Long way to go...
hansigurumi: Too Many Cephalopods...
sdoorly: Man in Red Hat at Ren Faire
woodsprite_spn: Monster beetle
Jim McCree: Pine Grosbeak Mid-Winter
Carpe Feline: lotus bud
Yankees Man: Gummy Bear
Yankees Man: Where's my denture cream?
L.Mikonranta: Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
pandoraice: Gizmo and Tweak - In Love
wolfbabe88: b 308
hawhawjames: #214. Nosferatu!
Yankees Man: Gotcha !
Dougeee: P1060398
hawhawjames: #163. Monster ate my EYE!
Marrrcelll: Waldrapp Ibis @ Apenheul
Butterfly Psyche: Here they come! (Tree swallows, Tachycineta bicolor)
SR5Rfan: 021 Cork Tree
Jay KoolPix: "Me and my Shadow"
Dougeee: Green Lynx again
unitcell: Yellow Oleander 黃花夾竹桃
a_beginning: hoverfly