fountaincoke: 84/365 (11.7.08) living is easy with eyes closed
fountaincoke: 164/365 (1.26.09) ....
fountaincoke: 165/365 (1.27.09) TAKE IT
fountaincoke: 166/365 (1.28.09) i know you'd understand
fountaincoke: 169/365 (1.31.09) I don't know why nobody told you How to unfold your love
fountaincoke: 178/365 (2.9.09) inspired
fountaincoke: 179/365 (2.10.09) Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
fountaincoke: 180/365 (2.11.09) Turn off your mind relax and float down-stream
fountaincoke: 182/365 (2.13.09) satisfaction guaranteed
fountaincoke: 211/365 (3.14.09) ...Such a dirty old man, dirty old man. Well you should see Polythene Pam She came in through the bathroom window Once there was a way to get back homeward...
fountaincoke: 261/365 (5.3.09) yesterday