fountaincoke: DSC_0127
fountaincoke: jefferson in bloom
fountaincoke: memorial
fountaincoke: Out of the Mountain of Despair A Stone of Hope
fountaincoke: Sunset over Potomac
fountaincoke: hey! DC has canals, too.
fountaincoke: lincoln at sundown
fountaincoke: awe, a baby.
fountaincoke: heart feet
fountaincoke: late night ice.
fountaincoke: oh. hello.
fountaincoke: Venice.
fountaincoke: next stop: chicago
fountaincoke: race to the water
fountaincoke: wall space.
fountaincoke: palms pano
fountaincoke: fisheye graffiti palms.
fountaincoke: flare over pacific.
fountaincoke: your move.
fountaincoke: face lift
fountaincoke: thumbs up, dude.
fountaincoke: sundown on ocean front walk
fountaincoke: artistic, time, zero.
fountaincoke: so. many. seals.
fountaincoke: skate your hearts out.
fountaincoke: venice evenings
fountaincoke: skate shadows