fountaincoke: 61/365 (10.15.08) get your twirl on
fountaincoke: Look at me! Bokeh!
fountaincoke: diana palms
fountaincoke: Arches National Park, Utah.
fountaincoke: blue sun and snow
fountaincoke: 120/365 (12.13.08) the extent of my musical talent is enough to only fill the tip of my finger
fountaincoke: ahhh!!!!
fountaincoke: 138/365 (12.31.08) peace out
fountaincoke: 141/365 (1.3.08) Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!
fountaincoke: sunset viewers
fountaincoke: 160/365 (1.22.08) Toto, I have a feeling we're not in California anymore...
fountaincoke: 164/365 (1.26.09) ....
fountaincoke: 166/365 (1.28.09) i know you'd understand
fountaincoke: ocean front walk