Nigel Turner:
The Stephen Lawrence Centre, Deptford, SE London
Jabi Artaraz:
Durangaldeko mendiak
François Libert:
Caribbean reef octopus hunting at night - Octopus briareus
Thor Hakonsen:
Atheris squamigera
Nigel Turner:
Brockley Cemetery, SE London
Maciek Lulko:
Hidden beauty
London Concrete - Barbican
Beautiful Brutalism | Hayward Gallery
Hayward Gallery | Nobody's Home
Gerard Koopen:
just passing by
Yvette Gauthier:
Marché couvert (1908), Wrocław
Nigel Turner:
Angel Memorial, Nunhead Cemetery, London
François Libert:
Keeltail needlefish - Platybelone argalus
Nigel Turner:
Balconies, Isle of Dogs, London
morning calm /6
François Libert:
Rainbow runner and bicolor wrasse - Elagatis bipinnulata & Labroides bicolor