Gaël Chardon: Colibri (Martinique)
bpmm: Grèbe huppé
bryant_crubaugh: Castle near Clonmacnoise
HKJen: Clonmacnoise Abbey
Gaël Chardon: Paris sous la pluie ..
Fabi3n: Dunkerque
temrey89: On the stairwell.
titancatwoman: Caught In The Light
esanatha: Curiosity
chris.paul74: Roméo
Lolo_: Sad animals...
**Anik Messier**: Memories...
Claudecf: Château de Crèvecoeur-en-Auge
frosti_idm: bjork red hair..
gusset: Björk's gusset
* starrynight1: Virgo Cat - Gato Virgem
* starrynight1: Mother's Day - Dia da Mãe - 2
EricFirley: Garde Republicaine
photo_lil: Chaton
Tabbie-cats: Pure cuteness
Gaël Chardon: chats_mai-97_005
Gaël Chardon: Doupy sur le Balcon