{lisa.anne}: smile:)
{lisa.anne}: "Empty your mind of all thoughts. Let your heart be at peace." Lao Tzu
{lisa.anne}: "Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world." Marilyn Monroe
{lisa.anne}: "If you obey all the rules...you miss all the fun." Katherine Hepburn
{lisa.anne}: appreciate...
{lisa.anne}: Peonies from my garden...
{lisa.anne}: Just because....my photostream needed a flower that I could look at :-}
{lisa.anne}: Independence Day....Celebrating July 4th....
{lisa.anne}: Halle's new friend....she met him at the pool :)
{lisa.anne}: Monday Morning
{lisa.anne}: The quickest way for a parent to get a child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable. {lane.olinghouse}
{lisa.anne}: I love how sunflowers seem to court the sky....
{lisa.anne}: My camera is not working....I will be back....just not sure when....weeks, months... :-)
{lisa.anne}: "Most people don't know there are angles whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable, fall asleep, and miss your life." {story.people}
{lisa.anne}: r o s e s . i n . p i n k
{lisa.anne}: "If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall." {Nadine Stair}
{lisa.anne}: Needed some sunshine . . . it has been cold and rainy for days here.
{lisa.anne}: f r i e n d
{lisa.anne}: ""When you look back at your past, look tenderly and gently at all you have been through. Look with the eyes of the soul. See that each experience was necessary to bring you home to your heart."" {unknown}
{lisa.anne}: t r e a s u r e
{lisa.anne}: G I F T S . O F . T I M E . A N D . L O V E
{lisa.anne}: t h e . m e s s a g e
{lisa.anne}: t h e . c o u n t d o w n
{lisa.anne}: The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul. {G. K. Chesterton}
{lisa.anne}: Happy Bench Monday :-)
{lisa.anne}: if you want to know where your heart is look where your mind goes when it wanders.... {unknown}
{lisa.anne}: m u s i c . a n d . t h e . s o u l
{lisa.anne}: l.o.v.e.
{lisa.anne}: s i m p l i c i t y