ljqlauren: Bedroom
Elsita (Elsa Mora): Another tiny advance :)
Elsita (Elsa Mora): Amelia and Osvaldo
Elsita (Elsa Mora): Amelia and Osvaldo
Elsita (Elsa Mora): Amelia and Osvaldo
Christie Chase: chainlinkpillows
eclectic gipsyland: Zingaro's Mittens
eclectic gipsyland: Le Pillowcat !
Katie Takes A Picture: 05/01 - Pug in Tonka
janel m: cuuuuute
janel m: thermos love
janel m: polaroid fun!
janel m: thrifting
janel m: taken!
janel m: groupies :)
janel m: lovely gifts
janel m: Beano and Nicole :)
janel m: red
janel m: cuuuuutest couple award
janel m: Miss Indie and Jamie
janel m: hard at work :)
janel m: Nicole taught screen-printing
janel m: Big Mama's
janel m: potato soup
janel m: finger knitting
janel m: more crafty
janel m: Getting crafty