MossyOwls: Nothing Tastes Like a Great Big Soap Bubble. Happily Trapped.
Fraggle Red: Hot & Cold
Fraggle Red: Brickell at Sunset
Fraggle Red: The Bench
kepphoto: Mr.Vicious Snapping Turtle isn't so vicious on his back.
pilarkitty: Penelope! It's time for Spring.
Cine Fanatico: Fast and Furious 4
pilarkitty: Pugs! Pugs! Everywhere!
Richard K Tong: Pomeranian Pup
ced77: jack russel marron blanc
Fraggle Red: Fishing Pier at Dusk Day after the storm. Mr.Gull & Icy Reflections.
Fraggle Red: Miami Lady
Kimber007: Jensen and Jared Q & A 2007
Fraggle Red: Shuuut Uuuup!
LLC149: Jensen Ackles Chicago Supernatural Creation Convention 2007 006
LLC149: Jensen Ackles L.A. Supernatural Creation Convention 2008 IMG_0168
LLC149: Jensen Ackles L.A. Supernatural Creation Convention 2008 IMG_0208
LLC149: Jensen Ackles L.A. Supernatural Creation Convention 2008 IMG_0227