☆ peat ☆: Eye just finished a mural of one of my favorite grade school teachers....Love ya Mrs. P! This amazing women taught me to think creatively and that every adventure in life is just getting from A to Z. #thecollegeschool #learnfromexperience #janphillips
DaveWolfy: Lollybag Dave Wolfy
Pahnl: 'Proud' (wide)
.FAKE.: FAKE LOVE artist proof
Stencil Ninja: Laser engraved goodness
Timothy Rollin: Public housing
mephesto: DSCF1038
Stencil Ninja: Some more midnight action
mephesto: DSCF0998
Deejo: Icecream
Deejo: Cosmic Girl
Deejo: Sultry Hipster Girl
- BEASTMAN -: fun wall with phibs
EYE-SAW: "underdog bites back"
Work the Angle: Wooden Suns
Lou O' Bedlam: Corie, Evoking Nabokov
verpabunny: SATELLITE EXHIBIT @ The Portsmouth Museum of Art
luke-dixon-art: Murray Christmas
soft science: rusalka
Dave-T: 365-317 One Zombie Hash, Coming Up
mrksaari: Little Red Riding Hood Zombie
Kira Gondeck-Silvia: Sundae Bloody Sundae
.indigo.: weighted, I remain
--Meggs--: 'King for a Day'
l.e.t.: 24h