Tilly Floss: 19/1/18 we won. Too tired for proper food now though
Tilly Floss: 18/1/18 another day like the last. Everyone expected this debate to be acrimonious and unpleasant and it hasn’t. Until this speaker. We stand in opposition to her controlling committee and it’s looking like we’ll win. She’s sore and poisonous with rage.
Tilly Floss: 17/1/18 work - the Royal Court - Education Debate - better get this speech written...
Tilly Floss: 16/1/18 still so green
Tilly Floss: 15/1/18
Tilly Floss: 14/1/18 Huevos Rancheros
Tilly Floss: 13/1/18 Driving to town
Tilly Floss: 12/1/18 Matt and Nikki
Tilly Floss: 11/1/18 Public meeting
Tilly Floss: 10/1/18 Joss and Toby deciding which is the most worthy charity
Tilly Floss: 9/1/18. Long, long day.
Tilly Floss: 8/1/18 slightly odd one. I scraped all the skin off the back of my hand before Christmas and it has left a dent.
Tilly Floss: 7/1/18 Must be stormy weather. Bad weather = no boats = no bread in the shops = baking
Tilly Floss: 6/1/18 chaos at the Waitrose checkout and empty shelves. Still the storms rage.
Tilly Floss: 5/1/18 double rainbow over the field at the end of the road
Tilly Floss: 4/1/18 Still Christmas here. And will be til at least 12th Night. Tree hasn’t lost more than 10 needles in total.
Tilly Floss: 3/1/18 Not a dinner shot... This is not a dinner shot. It’s an “aaand relax” shot. Last of the Christmas visitors left this afternoon. Supper on laps in the sitting room after the children are in bed :)
Tilly Floss: 2/1/18 Ben
Tilly Floss: Beach Life
Tilly Floss: 1/1/18 Lazy New Year’s Day
Tilly Floss: 46/365 "mum"
Tilly Floss: 45/365 "St Valentine's and Ben and Joss love nothing more than mud..."
Tilly Floss: 45/365 "St Valentine's and Ben and Joss love nothing more than mud..."
Tilly Floss: 44/365 Yarn bombing?
Tilly Floss: 43/365 Chocolate
Tilly Floss: 42/365 town
Tilly Floss: 41/365 "Planes"
Tilly Floss: 40/365 High and Dry
Tilly Floss: 39/365 - Fishermen at Sunset
Tilly Floss: 38/365 "Cheers!"