eyejewels: David Gilmour with Marc the Vet and fans_DSC2364
eyejewels: David Gilmour signature on the Pup Aid guitar. David's signature_DSC2383
eyejewels: Whole lot of musing going on...David Gilmour, Pup Aid guitar signing at Pub du Vin_DSC2371
eyejewels: David Gilmour, Pup Aid guitar signing at Pub du Vin_DSC2365
eyejewels: David Gilmour, Pup Aid guitar signing at Pub du Vin_DSC2366
FotoRita [Allstar maniac]: Amour et flamme
bratli: Signs of spring
duiliopianelli: 0357 A vision of my life...!!(rep.)
Bahman Farzad: Lotus flower - Hi key - IMG_9462
khurram Saddiqui: Shalamar Bagh,Lahore
israeltfe sin tiempo...: Los cazadores de nubes....
florenarocena: lovely stairway
Lumase: Trust your heart #9
Lumase: Sitta Canadensis
Youssef Amaaou: Beach fun. Ipanema beach, Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
dannie q: letting go...
giuseppedr: Steamy atmosphere
Iftekhar Mahmud: Foyez Lake
Iftekhar Mahmud: The sons of the soil
stedef: My Italy in Twenty Episodes - #20 - Puglia
Lumase: On paths of love and pain
Lumase: Watergrowth
Lumase: This bird will return no more
Xenotar28: For Ducklover Bonnie
Lumase: Histoire de l'Oeil