mimmacurma: IMGP5482
mimmacurma: IMGP6983
mimmacurma: IMGP7315
Frank van Dongen: Earth Walk
Frank van Dongen: Another beautiful sunset
jbourne5: Reflections of the mountains
JBPTrains2012: I am first---Attack
JBPTrains2012: Almost Pink Nymphara odorata
Holger Losekann: Schwalbenschwanz - Papilio machaon-3889
Torok_Bea: Pipacs (Papaver rhoeas)
leopc.lin: Life Is Like A Circle
Peter.Bartlett: Bras Basah Road (Explore - 16 October 2014 - #029)
Teelicht: Cordoba - Roman bridge (2)
Hugo von Schreck: Wild Flower
dono heneman: Parisian reflection
Rolando CRINITI: Airone rosso _010
Xtraphoto: Morgentau
Jasrmcf: Sony a7 50mm 2.8 macro
ilias varelas: Misty fields II
enneafive: Pastoral Peace
Hugo von Schreck: Lunch Time
Natureshots_sb: kleine felsen schlucht
rafasmm: pink anthurium
rafasmm: old textile machine
Rolando CRINITI: Crociere _000
qp1977: Powerball
luz rovira: DSC_9931 (des pommes) ...des poires, et scoubidoubidou-ah
eberhardwild: Yashica minister-d