Mitsuru Nikaido: Object-10_13
Mitsuru Nikaido: Object-11_4
carriembecker: The Bibliophile, 2015.
*Ro*: Action Figure Diorama Alley
oceanreal: 1/6 phicen_012
MiniatureMadness: Mechanic's Tool Chest 1:12 Scale Miniature
Elrenia_Greenleaf: Squirrel visitor!
Velantin: 一整面櫥窗都是大同寶寶軍團!
Velantin: 單純只是想拍"幹"。
Gav Shin: Rowntrees' Randoms Hot Air Gnome
typesticker: Miniature Books / Black Cat Press
stefano_blanco: I Found Myself In A Kubrickian Hallway...
Velantin: 小時候的口號,小心匪諜就在你身邊。
Elrenia_Greenleaf: 1/6th scale sofa step-by-step guide. :3
Elrenia_Greenleaf: 1/6th scale sofa step-by-step guide
typesticker: Miniature Book Workshop / Half Penny Press
swanksalot: !!!PMURT KCUF
JasonLiebig: General Mills - Betty Crocker - Dunkaroos - Chocolate Frosting - New - 6oz snack treat box - 1992
TnT's Little things: Finished 1/6 scale At At from Star Wars at Ooo Wee Arts and Gaming
N. T. Izumi: APC-97
resistance827: Overwatch
resistance827: "Molon Labe"
TheWriter88: The guys are ready for game night!
r.decastro: Customized RC GI JOE Big Trapper "The Scarab"
Dr. Monster: final printed version at threadless
Furniture design by Maryann Roy: Party on the Patio !
capcomkai: STARWARS EPII 星際大戰二部曲 AT-TE walker
capcomkai: 12' BATTLE DROID_10
小寒菊花子: re-ment 药房 26/365
elfinity: Miniatures - FINISHED!!!!