leftboot: gg bridge, from Marin headlands
leftboot: Point Reyes cow
leftboot: Wave Organ, San Francisco
leftboot: Alcatraz
leftboot: my parents' woodshed
leftboot: Fishing in the St. Lawrence, July 2011
leftboot: Ethan Roth, Ring of Fire, Conesus Lake, 7-3-11
leftboot: Spring in Golden Gate park.
leftboot: photo
leftboot: Mary Lattimore at Vesuvio
leftboot: story time
leftboot: O Zeke!
leftboot: Mom and Dad in Marin
leftboot: M and D
leftboot: Ft Point
leftboot: A certain slant of light
leftboot: Mr. Jonathan Echeverri Zuluaga
leftboot: Sunday brunch
leftboot: December in Sebastopol
leftboot: My room
leftboot: 4 seconds of Ezekiel
leftboot: Tim and Jonathan under the GG bridge
leftboot: headland clouds
leftboot: christo's car?
leftboot: i am a man
leftboot: parents' bench
leftboot: parents' backyard
leftboot: paul rapalee, karrie laughton
leftboot: lux lounge in winter
leftboot: canal street, rochester