ricksznajder: Light from light
ricksznajder: Out there
ricksznajder: The only way around
ricksznajder: Invocation of the life force
sevdelinkata: The storm is coming.
cienne45: 25-56
Francesc Candel: Al otro lado del río.
Francesc Candel: I remember the Sun.
Francesc Candel: What a wonderful world.
Francesc Candel: Starchild Waterlily.
Francesc Candel: How am I going to change the color of a wave...
Francesc Candel: Lowdown something blue, almost blue, just blue.
neil.anderson68: Storm Darragh
Intrografia: Ultima Spiaggia, Chiarone Scalo
sailorboymcmlxxv: Storm passing a wind farm
colinb4: Still winter in Glencoe
giannipiras555: Clouds over the Dolomites
AndyPollardFalklands: Meadowlark on a Post
Bernard Fabbro: martin-pêcheur ♀ / kingfisher 25A_4501
hbp_pix: Mr Red
jbarc in BC: Pair of Wood Ducks
DeStefano Daniele: Sunset reflection ( Explore )
Ch.FELIX: Saint-Savin
Patrick Blondel: Canard colvert - Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard
echumachenco: Johannishögl, Bavaria
Jabi Artaraz: Argia eta itzala
marcelo nacinovic: Praia dos Coqueiros em Trancoso
Argstatter: DSC00214 (2)