the_heliodromus: Loop-de-loop
the_heliodromus: Bridge over White Oak Bayou
the_heliodromus: Hat collection
the_heliodromus: Katze und bier.
the_heliodromus: David's band
the_heliodromus: The City
the_heliodromus: Oh no you di'int
the_heliodromus: King of the Hittites
the_heliodromus: The whitest dude you know.
the_heliodromus: Goodbye, Bridge
the_heliodromus: Melted Lamp is melted
the_heliodromus: Public Art @ UH
the_heliodromus: Well, that looks safe...
the_heliodromus: Under Shepherd
the_heliodromus: Train drain
the_heliodromus: Juice up
the_heliodromus: Radiation burns
the_heliodromus: Up under the highway
the_heliodromus: *insert “that's what she said” joke here*
the_heliodromus: I thought this was an unused railroad bridge...
the_heliodromus: Under a bridge @ UHD