Murat Erdemsel Photography: Watching the fountain in Berlin, Germany.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Sony center in Berlin, Germany.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Happy surprise and smiling faces, Finland.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Detail of a boat on the water.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Dancing tango on the harbor, Finland.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Tango dancers in the embrace, Tarbes France.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Tango dancers in the embrace, Tarbes France.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Tango dancers in the embrace, Finland.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Tango dancers in the embrace, Finland.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Tango dancers in the embrace, Finland.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Young woman laying down by the lake.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Grumpy girls bored, sitting on stairs in Stuttgart, Germany.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Planet church, from floor.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Planet church. From ceiling.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Green vista and dense trees in France.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Church and tower in France.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: from the castle web
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Tango dancers in the embrace, France.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Red brown earthy river surrounding the town in Ambialet France.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Red brown earthy river surrounding the town in Ambialet France.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Walking in to a party tent with dancers.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Walking in to a party tent.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Walking in to a party tent.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Walking in to a party tent.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Happy feet in Antwerp, Belgium.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: Happy gathering in Antwerp, Belgium.
Murat Erdemsel Photography: 3 men sitting by the lake.