kabacaly11: Nuthatch
Jay ䷁ Den (Jayarr Denson): Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Jay ䷁ Den (Jayarr Denson): Life's Sweet Nectar II (A Game of Hide and Seek II)
flaviobergo: IMG_0142
flaviobergo: IMG_2589 cincia bigia (Poecile palustris)
flaviobergo: IMG_4114 smeriglio (Falco columbarius)
ferrand-michelle: Cigogne et ses 3 petits ( Ciconia ciconia)
flaviobergo: IMG_9327 Bryopsis muralis
theomag77: ViaggioTempo2023-3958
andriot.jac: Étourneau au bain. Couleurs et lumière naturelles
davdenic: Simple beauty
Jay ䷁ Den (Jayarr Denson): Snow dusting along the trail.
wjm photography: 1A1A2719
davdenic: Woodpecker
Zucker Foto: The entrance to ….
flaviobergo: IMG_7776 allodola (Alauda arvensis)
flaviobergo: IMG_0951
Jay ䷁ Den (Jayarr Denson): Northern House Wren
flaviobergo: IMG_6571
flaviobergo: IMG_2976 Panuro di webb (Suthora webbiana)
flaviobergo: IMG_6437
flaviobergo: IMG_3796 lucherino (Spinus spinus)
flaviobergo: IMG_3673 gazza (Pica pica)
flaviobergo: IMG_6646
flaviobergo: IMG_5413 picchio rosso maggiore (Dendrocopos major)
flaviobergo: IMG_0612
hendrickx karel: DSCF8196 Aalscholver (Phalacrocorax carbo)
hendrickx karel: DSCF8266 Winterkoninkje (Troglodytes troglodytes)