jmc-223: Waterproof Robin
Andrey Sulitskiy: Picturesque monastery under the massive rock, San Juan de la Peña, Spain
jcamachob: Troloditic houses - Matmata (Tunisie)
rashidaveenstra: Ijsvogel / kingfisher
Lightbender: Passion
Lightbender: Flying catch
T. Knight: Old World Sparrow
zimorodek: MACRO MONDAYS - “Fill the frame with a plant” - Cactus - each "star" is about 5 mm across (1/5 inch)
WestEndFoto: Any Nectar Here?
WestEndFoto: The Oculus of San Luigi dei Francesi
WestEndFoto: Florence's Historic Centre
WestEndFoto: The Eye
WestEndFoto: Orchestra of the Sky
WestEndFoto: Will You Kiss Me?
WestEndFoto: Third Beach
WestEndFoto: Lisboa Pôr do Sol
WestEndFoto: Mezquita de Córdoba
WestEndFoto: Teton Prairie
Talya 2206: Fragile
Arco Ardon: Old State House
Arco Ardon: Westersingel
César Del Cid: Dinant, ciudad natal del inventor del saxofón
César Del Cid: Mas allá del Sol
César Del Cid: Pareciera que el sol se derrite
César Del Cid: Toda una cama de algodón