thisisp: thisisnojoke
stevea1000: IMG_9993
stevea1000: IMG_9997
thisisp: dad in kimono
_Katherine: Clouds/Crane
thisisp: wedged
jennygutteridge: Kettle's Yard
_Katherine: Yellow Garages
Joe Lanman: Horseback
thisisp: Coach upholstery
thisisp: keep going
thisisp: Menton patterns
Oooochera: DSCN2747
fabiolug: Benches & Shadows
pangolinblues: glowing
thisisp: Nottingham's gang culture
thisisp: troopers
thisisp: Dachshund in springtime
thisisp: DC actually took this because my camera flunked, but somehow he thinks it is still 'intellectually' my shot. Ditto below.
Esben Bøg: clothes peg
Esben Bøg: stretching for the sun
pangolinblues: Peckham Henge
Welcome Home Glasgow: through the window
meredithmo: Seriously snowing.
Saundersa: Sea Of Inky Lines
Saundersa: Flat Pack Heart
pangolinblues: Snowcheers