Tanjica Photo Art: In the beginning, there was a Word. New Testament. Antique Slavic Bible. Tanjica Perovic Photography.
Tanjica Photo Art: women in church
Violette79: Psalter and the icon of my patron saint.
JonnyGoodchild: Two kids & a windmill
JonnyGoodchild: Top of the steps
Violette79: Friday evening at work. There is nowhere else I'd rather be...
Violette79: I love Coney Island.
Violette79: Of such is the Kingdom
Violette79: "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
T-manster1995: pro life 2011 016
Millie ♥: Vintage bokeh
Violette79: 2012-03-22 ocean 014
Violette79: Ocean Parkway.
Violette79: A little fresh meadow near the Coney Island Hospital.
Violette79: 2012-03-22 ocean 063
Violette79: Firemen and a Firetruck.
Violette79: Ireland
Violette79: 2012-03-23 018
Violette79: 2012-03-25 Sunday 009
Violette79: Spring in Brooklyn.
Violette79: This is the first year I can vote.