Allison___: I want to die. In a good way. #delicious
Allison___: My pup is the best pup there is. End of story. #beagle #pup
Allison___: Best snack.
Allison___: Still so in love with this mug.
Allison___: Curious kitty
Allison___: Typewriters are really fucking heavy.
Allison___: Castle Island with Greg. #moon #water #reflection
Allison___: Castle Island again.
Allison___: Weeks ago, hanging out in the yard with Max.
Allison___: I roasted spaghetti squash seeds and they taste like chicken.
Allison___: Spooghett squash!
Allison___: Lovebug
Allison___: Breakfast
Allison___: Blueberry oatmeal
Allison___: Goodnight Irene.
Allison___: SLEEPOBER