Allison___: My dear friend.
Allison___: New favorite ring.
Allison___: Be happy
Allison___: Blankie lovin'
Allison___: Cat on a roof
Allison___: :x tea time. #tea
Allison___: I found her everyone relax.
Allison___: Are you serious right now?
Allison___: Kitchen pwincess.
Allison___: Our desserts? #minichocolatesouffle #taco
Allison___: "THIS is the Rainbow Wax?!" #carwash
Allison___: This will be a MANSION for them.
Allison___: Max showing off his new bumblebee Halloween costume to sheshe.
Allison___: Greg's bagel compartment.
Allison___: #moby #18 #drive #soundtrack
Allison___: I'm not usually a crayon enthusiast but Crayola's atomic tangerine is the #unemployment
Allison___: We don't know what to do today.
Allison___: MADNESS
Allison___: Cat and mug
Allison___: Okay asleep on my elbow.
Allison___: I've been wondering why I even took this picture.
Allison___: Happiest beagle.