michael j moss: skillet-pancakes-hillbilly-tea
michael j moss: pork-n-pone-hillbilly-tea
michael j moss: flowers-hillbilly-tea
michael j moss: billy-burgers-hillbilly-tea
michael j moss: uncles_and_niece_Yemen_wedding-1.jpg
michael j moss: friends_and_relatives_wedding_Sanaa-4.jpg
michael j moss: chewing_Qat_at_wedding_Sanaa-4-Edit.jpg
michael j moss: inside_the_wedding_tent_Sanaa-3.jpg
michael j moss: grooms_standing_Yemen_wedding-4.jpg
michael j moss: grooms_entrance_Sanaa_wedding.jpg
michael j moss: sheath_seller_Sanaa_souq-2-Edit-Edit.jpg
michael j moss: lipton_chai_Sanaa.jpg
michael j moss: Trabzon_coast_Turkey-2.jpg
michael j moss: Beyoglu_mirror_views_Istanbul-17.jpg
michael j moss: mountain top farm, Kvavlo, Georgia
michael j moss: towering minaret, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
michael j moss: door and scooter, Charqlik Xinjiang
michael j moss: ocean at Sidon, Lebanon
michael j moss: Mohammed and Abid working, Damascus
michael j moss: dinner at Al Khawali, Damascus
michael j moss: Maluula hillside, Syria
michael j moss: young man on bike, Damascus
michael j moss: Bekdash ice cream, Damascus
michael j moss: Umayyad mosque afternoon, Damascus
michael j moss: souq street, Damascus
michael j moss: Souq Al Hamediyya, Damascus
michael j moss: arch ruin, Palmyra Syria
michael j moss: fruit juice stand, Aleppo
michael j moss: meat for sale, Aleppo souq
michael j moss: art imitates life, Damascus