Christine Brallier: Grem's done!
laurainspain :): Seeing The Light
Dinelen: Oglethorpe
Misty W John: Wood Duck - Moore Lake, MN
John&Fish: #385 青背藍桐 Back Track
In Memoriam: Roofer 1: A Small Piece of Paradise
In Memoriam: Roofer 1: Turn of the Century Farm
Misty W John: Minnesota Farm
Adam Grim: Minnesota Farmland
Adam Grim: Scott County, Minnesota
Doug Wallick: Kelley Farm
Paulette Mertes: Walking on Sunshine
j_piepkorn65: Red Door-Abandoned Minnesota
smoncrieff: Abandoned Farm, Minnesota
James Neeley: Tranquility
simone.ellsworth: Amish Farm
♫ *janas65* ♫: aspetta aspetta...che mi metto in posa !!!! smile
Sara Heinrichs (awfulsara): Bodie housefront
Robin "Evil Bob" A: Ghost Glass Frog [Centrolene Ilex]
Alberto Gonzalez Alvarez: mosaico- “ Barrio de Santa Cruz. Alicante ” (05-95) (50 x 65cm.) Coleccion.Particular.
RoseThistleArtworks: Lamb Wooliture
returnofsid: Baby Doll Sheep
ldears: Bighorn-Sheep-112908-008PS
seemolf: 5c1w5794
leaveittorweaver: Jack at Four Days Old