Gabriel FW Koch: Mom Bluebird Feeding Spoiled Kid
Gary Fairhead: Vibrant!!
tdwrsa: malachite kingfisher
av8s: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
av8s: Red-headed Woodpecker
av8s: Red-headed Woodpecker
tdwrsa: green wood-hoopoe
av8s: Red-headed Woodpecker
av8s: Red-headed Woodpecker
tdwrsa: love handles...
JD~PHOTOGRAPHY: Algonquin blues
Gary Fairhead: On The Flip Side
*Capture the Moment*: Dancing on the Hill
Gary Fairhead: Straw Light
av8s: Tufted Titmouse
av8s: Great-crested Flycatcher
Lucien-Guy: L'échinacée à -20°C...!
av8s: American Goldfinch
Gabriel FW Koch: New Neighbor
billcoo: White Orchid
Jayne Bond: Seal2-14.11.17_54I4273
martijndejong1980: Zwarte Ooievaar - Ciconia nigra
billcoo: Magenta Lilies
martijndejong1980: Smyrnagors - Emberiza cineracea
av8s: Great-crested Flycatcher
av8s: Great-crested Flycatcher
rockjumperbirding: Raggiana Bird-of-Paradise by Rich Lindie
Nydiaso.: White - bellied Woodstar Hummingbird. Female. Colibrí Rumbito buchiblanco.
Gary Fairhead: Me...ow!
av8s: Dragonfly