L S G: Kriz in BnW
L S G: Natural Light
royceramirez: SIngapore Arts and Science Museum
_MattGranger: First Beijing and now NYC - twice in 6 weeks I've had to call @zeiss to ask to loan the 15mm Distagon - probably time I add one to my bag permanently.
Otitus: US Air Force PACAF F-16
totomai: TOT_5587
royceramirez: 20130602_7717
Marvin™: Happy New Year!
stpaul73: My Personal Work
stpaul73: Karine Alkasem
Lil Snoop: Happy New Year 2011
Lil Snoop: Ladybug
Cleon Mattheaus: Big bubbles!
alner_s: "Rocks and Jetty" :: Lower Pierce
totomai: perspective
alner_s: "IR Singapore, under construction" :: DRI
alner_s: "Sunrise at Danao Cebu II" :: DRI
totomai: heart
Cleon Mattheaus: Hillview Green
alner_s: "Beyond My Imagination" :: Skyline at Marina
alner_s: "Sunset @ Keppel Bay" :: Singapore
Cleon Mattheaus: Labrador Park
oscarmachaconjr: just when the sun was about to rise...
totomai: triplets
lav_nida: berries in a wine glass...
reycervan: slice it up Zoro
mel.enrico: water lily at the top