Little Purl of the Orient: Boneyard Shawl in Pigeonroof handspun
Cozy Memories: Happy Holidays
Cozy Memories: snow - november 27th 2013
assemblage: g r a d a t i o n
wazzag: seeya
Krentu: Manti-3
grace anna: curator stole stack
wazzag: owls
roko20: DSC00944
kerttupiste: Nest tote
neulova.narttu: PA191186
wazzag: bonus
siggasif: Sweater for summer
just maryse: creepy fingers
tiennie.: J's Gentlemen's Half Hose Sock
terhimon: Bark #3
ishi-knit: IMGP5165
assemblage: perforations
wazzag: quails!
ishi-knit: IMGP5100
yubinkyoku_hime: DSCF1281
Ühltje: Hvervallir
solgrim: summer hexagon blanket