iain.davidson100: 21 20250101_082414 Protea on College Avenue
iain.davidson100: 24 DSC_0001 Agapanthhus flower db
iain.davidson100: 27 20250103_130201 pink petals db
iain.davidson100: 28 DSC_0006 King Parrot sitting on the fence cropped db
iain.davidson100: 29 20250104_102219 The chillis are coming
iain.davidson100: 30 20250102_173948 Agapanthus flower close up
iain.davidson100: 31 20250103_130223 spider on hydrangea
iain.davidson100: 32 DSC_0011 King Parrot on our bench
iain.davidson100: 34 20250103_130314 where the bee sucks
iain.davidson100: 35 DSC_0009 King Parrot in the rail
iain.davidson100: 36 DSC_0001 Armidale Roundabout 1 cropped db
iain.davidson100: 37 20250103_130303 bug on hydrangea db
iain.davidson100: 38 DSC_0003 The fist at the roundabout cropped adjusted db
iain.davidson100: 39 DSC_0007 Tenterfield Creek bridge collapse db
iain.davidson100: 40 DSC_0005 The tor near Tilbuster cropped db
iain.davidson100: 41 20250107_133918 Pretty training of tree on fence in Hilston
iain.davidson100: 42 DSC_0007 To the Scenic Rim from near Kalbar cropped db
iain.davidson100: 42 20250107_100259 Orthosiphon aristatus, cat's whiskers or Java tea db
iain.davidson100: 43 DSC_0004 The Kalbar bug front on adjusted and cropped
iain.davidson100: 44 DSC_0005 Kalbar Sculpture 1 written side cropped and adjusted db
iain.davidson100: 45 DSC_0003 the third sculpture adjusted
iain.davidson100: 46 DSC_0006 Ceiling in Kalbar cropped
iain.davidson100: 47 20250107_100246 Orthosiphon aristatus, cat's whiskers or Java tea
iain.davidson100: 48 DSC_0001 sculpture 1 at Kalbar cropped db
iain.davidson100: 49 DSC_0002 bug in Kalbar
iain.davidson100: 51 20250103_130254 hydrangea
iain.davidson100: 61 20250114_095447 Silver sculpture at NERAM (New England Regional Art Museum) from the cafe
iain.davidson100: 62 20250113_094454 Crossword Cafe mural
iain.davidson100: 64 20250116_102025 The red chillies
iain.davidson100: 65 20250116_102037 The purplue chillies, maybe they will turn