iain.davidson100: 11839 Three potted plants Windsor Rd 20230801_080202
iain.davidson100: 11840 Gutter decoration Windsor Rd 20230801_110449
iain.davidson100: 11841 Distribution Box outside the Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital 20230801_083910
iain.davidson100: 11845 Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital 20230801_084303
iain.davidson100: 11846 Bougainvillea--make of it what you will 20230801_100116
iain.davidson100: 11847 Two Kookaburras cropped 20230803_092735
iain.davidson100: 11848 Camellia 20230803_094804
iain.davidson100: 11849 Hellebore DSC_0012
iain.davidson100: 11850 Magnolia shady DSC_0005
iain.davidson100: 11851 Into the heart of the hellebore DSC_0011
iain.davidson100: 11852 Magnolia cropped DSC003
iain.davidson100: 11853 The Railway track 20230803_094325
iain.davidson100: 11854 Snowdrops 20230803_150126
iain.davidson100: 11855M The japonica bleaches like coral 20230806_092200
iain.davidson100: 11856 Freshly weeded 20230806_092439
iain.davidson100: 11859 Camellia at Teacher's College cropped 20230807_094943
iain.davidson100: 11858 Bleached coral 20230806_092107
iain.davidson100: 11857 Daffodils 20230803_150121
iain.davidson100: 11860 Drilling down to the heart of the japonica 20230806_092140
iain.davidson100: 11873 Magpie exhausted in the winter heat cropped 20230809_113814
iain.davidson100: 11874 House on Faulkner St in morning light cropped 20230811_185007
iain.davidson100: 11875 Purple Magnolia tree cropped 20230811_092051
iain.davidson100: 11872 This is for Carmen, the japonica in gentler light 20230811_164307
iain.davidson100: 11878Japonica bush in the evening
iain.davidson100: 11877 Textures
iain.davidson100: 11876 Magnolia tree
iain.davidson100: 11885 Sunlight and shadow on the Storrier horse 20230815_100748
iain.davidson100: 11886 Raindrops on the palette of the Storrier horse 20230815_100018
iain.davidson100: 11887 The painter's brushes of the Storrier horse 20230815_100141
iain.davidson100: 11888 Blossom on UNE Campus