iain.davidson100: 10450 Tree in sun cropped DSC_0007
iain.davidson100: 10451 Trees and shadows south of Walcha cropped DSC_0008
iain.davidson100: 10452 Copse cropped adjusted twice DSC_0013
iain.davidson100: 10453 Shadows of trees south of Walcha cropped DSC_0010
iain.davidson100: 10454 The Gloucester Buckets cropped adjusted DSC_0001 - Copy
iain.davidson100: 10455 The other copse north of Walcha DSC_0012
iain.davidson100: 10456 Another view of the hole in the Buckets cropped adjusted DSC_0005 - Copy
iain.davidson100: 10459 Cabbages in Gloucester 20220703_130623
iain.davidson100: 10460 The crossing 1 20220706_080219
iain.davidson100: 10461 Under the bridge in the rain 20220706_081239
iain.davidson100: 10464 The old powerhouse at UNE gutted for development 20220707_133625
iain.davidson100: 10463 In your dreams 20220701_175444
iain.davidson100: 10462 Floods on Niagara St 20220706_080417
iain.davidson100: 10468 Tornado and Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology building cropped 20220707_160616
iain.davidson100: 10466 Sheep and tree cropped DSC_0001
iain.davidson100: 10467 Not yet time to weep 20220708_102040
iain.davidson100: 10469 A shower of snowdrops cropped panorama 20220709_090437
iain.davidson100: 10470 On the wall at the Patisserie Armidale cropped 20220709_092303
iain.davidson100: 10677 UNE Flowers adjusted 20220712_090409
iain.davidson100: 10678 Tree and silcrete knoll cropped 20220712_120541
iain.davidson100: 10679 From the new dam to town at UNE cropped 20220712_120704
iain.davidson100: 10683 King Parrots on our car 20220713_071754
iain.davidson100: 10684 Cypress outside Arts cropped 20220713_142623
iain.davidson100: 10685 Wire sculpture of roo with Booloominbah in Background croppedDSC_0001
iain.davidson100: 10686 Tall trees in the funnel of Lamble adjusted DSC_0010
iain.davidson100: 10690 Uralla Architectural details adjusted 20220715_093351
iain.davidson100: 10691 Dangar's Lagoon and overflow cropped DSC_0002
iain.davidson100: 10692 Walcha street sculpture DSC_0009
iain.davidson100: 10689M Stone sculpture Walcha cropped DSC_0006
iain.davidson100: 10688 Bench in Walcha cropped DSC_0003