iain.davidson100: 7433 Lunch at Twins on the Village 20191022_130625
iain.davidson100: 7434M Mt Cootha Botanic Gardens DSC_0005
iain.davidson100: 7435M the Phil Spector of Kangaroo Paws DSC_0050
iain.davidson100: 7436 Grevillea Cherry Pie DSC_0042
iain.davidson100: 7437 Fig roots DSC_0016
iain.davidson100: C7437M Monitoring the water flow DSC_0006
iain.davidson100: 7400M The painters in Anzac Square with sculpture and Bottle trees 20191011_105025
iain.davidson100: 7439 Cabbage tree forest DSC_0036
iain.davidson100: C7440M best bee DSC_0060 (2)
iain.davidson100: 7441M Elaeocarpus eumundi Eumundi quandong DSC_0056
iain.davidson100: 7442 Xanthostemon verticillatus Little Penda DSC_0003
iain.davidson100: 7443M Swamp henDSC_0017
iain.davidson100: 7444 Grevillea DSC_0040
iain.davidson100: 7445 Aesthetic Medicine 20191024_083505 (2)
iain.davidson100: 7446 Outside aesthetic medicine 20191024_080647
iain.davidson100: 7448 Glory on Commercial st 20191025_095513 (2)
iain.davidson100: 7447 Art on Helen St 20191025_163006 (2)
iain.davidson100: 7449 Maniax 20191024_083640
iain.davidson100: 7450 a pot of basil and stuff 20191025_154438 (2)
iain.davidson100: 7451 Jacaranda against the sky P1200198
iain.davidson100: 7452M the colours of destruction of the boxing gym DSC_0001
iain.davidson100: 7453 Fig tree P1200186
iain.davidson100: 7454 Jacaranda and the city P1200184
iain.davidson100: 7455 One of those monster flowers P1200196
iain.davidson100: 7456 Three specimens of that flower
iain.davidson100: 7457 ants on the lilly flower P1200194
iain.davidson100: 7458 the teeth of the cactus 20191024_083227
iain.davidson100: 7459 Screw pine palm Mt Cootha Botanic Gardens DSC_0012
iain.davidson100: 7460 All Hallows, Poincettia and Jacaranda from Women's Historical Association Park 20191029_120515 (2)
iain.davidson100: 7461 Brisbane CBD waterfront from Wheel P1200221 (2)