iain.davidson100: 9462M 1perenty at Osborne for Yullana NT
iain.davidson100: 10927M Painted distribution box near University of Queensland cropped 20220930_133727
iain.davidson100: 10921M Building a shed next to the nearly empty tank DSC_0004
iain.davidson100: C11329M Simat de Valldigna monastery [EXPLORED] and Mary cropped below Monduver Valencia
iain.davidson100: 9613M Tomato 20210922_151737
iain.davidson100: C11520M [EXPLORED 18/04] What fruit is that 20230417_090406
iain.davidson100: C11621M (EXPLORED 22/05/23) The intensity of light in the autumn leaves--the Phil Spector of autumn colour DSC_0053
iain.davidson100: 9981M Another Art Deco window 20220123_193950
iain.davidson100: C12533M The spread (there were two) (IN EXPLORE 19 MARCH 2024) 20240316_150225
iain.davidson100: 17CM (Explore 11 May 2024) First sunlight on Sow and Piglets (also known as the 12 Apostles) DSC_0006