Brian Blythe: IMG_0454
Brian Blythe: IMG_0386
Brian Blythe: 2015-09-02_01-33-06
Brian Blythe: 2015-09-02_01-31-44
Brian Blythe: IMG_5569
Brian Blythe: 65 Titian Barbie
Brian Blythe: 61 barbie in It's Cold Outside
Brian Blythe: Scwhinn Die Casts
Brian Blythe: 1965 Bubble Cut Titian Red Barbie
Brian Blythe: Snook in Fish Knees with Fly Agaric by Violet Pie
Brian Blythe: The Baroness
Brian Blythe: PWP and VP friends
Brian Blythe: forest friends
Brian Blythe: Flower Children
Brian Blythe: Curry is here!!
Brian Blythe: Feeling REALLY Crappy! The Flu! Anyway Violet Pie Valentine's Day Yak makes me feel better!
Brian Blythe: We got snow over night! Yay! Hamish had to go out!
Brian Blythe: Hamish wanted to show the new guy around! Lucky Theo!
Brian Blythe: Dierdre Snook and Theo
Brian Blythe: Got my EYE on you Valentine
Brian Blythe: Candy Darling
Brian Blythe: Candy Darling gets a new body from Dear Rella!
Brian Blythe: IMG_5385
Brian Blythe: IMG_5382
Brian Blythe: IMG_5378
Brian Blythe: Deirdre Snook goes all hipster in peppermint blonde!
Brian Blythe: Deirdre Snook
Brian Blythe: My Darling Eglantine!