Danilo.......e Paco: 20090425_0169
fabry ... : Continua il volo (Continue the flight)
antifa: The brown trekking path !
Mario Hernandez (on and off, mostly off): “I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”
Phish Photography: Green Bokeh
Imapix: The ....landing approach!
Ricey.: Taj Mahal
BrianMatthewLewis: Tropic Bird in Flight - Galapagos
ionut iordache: Lonely Gondola in Venice
Heccastudio / I see you soon: Flower !, no Dragon - Parc Güell - Barcelona
Paolo Brunetti: kenya , man and sea
Neticola: Half-light - D.E.P 😢
italo dei silenzi: il salice, la luna e le streghe
premier-photo.com: Vestitorii Primaverii
kosmos3: prunus domestica
florijianu: din dragoste...pentru fotografie...!!
premier-photo.com: "Increngaturi"... sau logodna cu natura
premier-photo.com: hold me tight!
premier-photo.com: This is how it begun..
claudedelrieu21: cadrageDSC_3596-2
angelicchiatrullall (): Postcard from Florence
florijianu: deeply loving my rain
naruo0720: Fairy primrose (Primula malacoides) between fore and background bokeh
florijianu: ssst...london read stories...:)