mimusha: DSC_1696
mimusha: winter evening
mimusha: winter fox
mimusha: beauty queen
mimusha: race
mimusha: in the cold light of morning...
mimusha: crazy...
mimusha: last sunset of 2016
mimusha: DSC_0670
mimusha: foxy lady
mimusha: beware of the dog!
mimusha: happy doggie
mimusha: 4 legged happiness
mimusha: on his way up
mimusha: in the evening
mimusha: best friends
mimusha: step by step
mimusha: Oriana
mimusha: fox eating ̶p̶o̶k̶e̶m̶o̶n̶ apple
mimusha: on the way to heaven
mimusha: fox and a duck
mimusha: iman
mimusha: morning walk
mimusha: happiness
mimusha: colours
mimusha: sheepdog
mimusha: foxy the mutt posing
mimusha: alpha female